Application of Excitation Function to the Prediction of RI Level Caused by Corona Discharge
Graphical Abstract
Radio interference (RI), as an aftere®ect of corona discharge, is an important re- search topic in the ¯eld of electromagnetic compatibility, where excitation function is applied broadly to the prediction of RI level. This paper presents the theory of excitation function method used in the RI level prediction. Then, some practical problems related to this method are dis- cussed. The propagation procedure of corona current is solved by the phase-modal transformation, and the impedance matrix of multi transmission lines is calculated by a double logarithmic ap- proximate model of Carson's Ground-Return impedance. At the same time, in order to calculate the RI level when total line corona is assumed, an analytical formula is deduced for integral op- eration. Based on the above solutions, an algorithm is presented and applied to the prediction of RI level of a practical overhead transmission line. Comparison of prediction and measurement results indicates that the algorithm proposed in this paper is e®ective and feasible.