The Electronegativity Analysis of c-C4F8 as a Potential Insulation Substitute of SF6
Graphical Abstract
The density distributions related to gas electronegativity for c-C4F8 gas, including negative ion, electron number and electron energy densities in the discharge process, are derived theoretically in both plane-to-plane and point-to-plane electrode geometries. These calculations have been performed through the Boltzmann equation in the condition of a steady-state Townsend (SST) experiment and a fluid model in the condition of both uniform and non-uniform electric fields. The electronegativity coefficients a = n−/ne of c-C4F8 and SF6 are compared to further describe the electron affinity of c-C4F8. The result shows that c-C4F8 represents an obvious electron-attachment performance in the discharge process. However, c-C4F8 still has much weaker gas electronegativity than SF6, whose electronegativity coe?cient is lower than that of SF6 by at least three orders of magnitude.