Study of first orbit losses of 1 MeV tritons using the Lorentz orbit code in the LHD
Graphical Abstract
Shot-integrated measurement of the triton burnup ratio has been performed in the Large Helical Device. It was reported that the triton burnup ratio, defined as total DT neutron yield divided by total DD neutron yield, increases significantly in inward shifted configurations. To understand the magnetic configuration dependence of the triton burnup ratio, the first orbit loss fraction of 1MeV tritons is evaluated by means of the Lorentz orbit code for various magnetic configurations. The first orbit loss of 1 MeV tritons is seen at t of less than 10−5 s and loss points of the triton are concentrated on the side of the helical coil case where the magnetic field is relatively weak. The significant decrease of the first orbit loss fraction by 15% is obtained with the inward shift of the magnetic axis position from 3.90 to 3.55 m. It is found that the decrease of first orbit loss is due to the reduction of the first orbit loss of transition and helically trapped tritons.