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Thermodynamic Characteristics of Dusty Plasma studied by using Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Aamir Shahzad, HE Maogang
2012, 14(9): 771-777. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/14/9/01
Abstract PDF
Simulations of H-Mode Plasmas in Tokamak Using a Complete Core-Edge Modeling in the BALDUR Code
2012, 14(9): 778-788. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/14/9/02
Abstract PDF
Calculations of the Ion Orbit Loss Region at the Edge of EAST
WU Guojiang (吴国将), ZHANG Xiaodong (张晓东)
2012, 14(9): 789-793. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/14/9/03
Abstract PDF
Thermo-Mechanical Calculation of Vacuum Plasma Spraying Tungsten Coating Applied as the Plasma Facing Material for EAST
ZHU Dahuan(朱大焕), LIU Yang(刘洋), CHEN Junling(陈俊凌), YAN Rong(鄢容)
2012, 14(9): 794-798. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/14/9/04
Abstract PDF
An Atmospheric Large-Scale Cold Plasma Jet
LV Xiaogui (吕晓桂), REN Chunsheng (任春生), MA Tengcai (马腾才), Feng Yan (冯岩), WANG Dezhen (王德真)
2012, 14(9): 799-801. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/14/9/05
Abstract PDF
Multidimensional Numerical Simulation of Glow Discharge by Using the N-BEE-Time Splitting Method
2012, 14(9): 802-807. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/14/9/06
Abstract PDF
Evolution of the pulse width in dielectric barrier atmospheric pressure discharge
SONG Xinxin (宋新新), TAN Zhenyu (谭震宇), CHEN Bo (陈波), ZHANG Yuantao (张远涛), LI Qingquan (李清泉)
2012, 14(9): 808-812. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/14/9/07
Abstract PDF
Vitrification of MSWI Fly Ash by Thermal Plasma Melting and Fate of Heavy Metals
NI Guohua (倪国华), ZHAO Peng (赵鹏), JIANG Yiman (江贻满), MENG Yuedong (孟月东)
2012, 14(9): 813-818. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/14/9/08
Abstract PDF
A Computerized System for the Measurement of Nanomaterial Field Emission and Ionization
WANG Zesong (王泽松), ZHANG Zaodi (张早娣), HE Jun (何俊), LEE Jae Choon (李载春), LIU Chuansheng Liu (刘传胜), WU Xianying (吴先映), FU Dejun (付德君)
2012, 14(9): 819-823. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/14/9/09
Abstract PDF
Essential Characteristics of Plasma Antennas Filled with He-Ar Penning Gases
SUN Naifeng (孙乃峰), LI Wenzhong (郦文忠), WANG Shiqing (王世庆), LI Jian (李建), CI Jiaxiang (慈佳祥)
2012, 14(9): 824-828. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/14/9/10
Abstract PDF
In vitro cyto and Blood Compatibility of Titanium Containing Diamond-Like Carbon Prepared by Hybrid Sputtering Method
Navaneetha Pandiyaraj KRISHNASAMY, Heeg JAN, Barfels TORSTEN, Wienecke MARION, Ha Rhee YOUNG, Woo Kim HYOUNG
2012, 14(9): 829-836. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/14/9/11
Abstract PDF
Characteristics of a Sheath with Secondary Electron Emission in the Double Walls of a Hall Thruster
DUAN Ping(段萍), LI Xi (李肸), SHEN Hongjuan (沈鸿娟), CHEN Long (陈龙), E Peng (鄂鹏)
2012, 14(9): 837-841. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/14/9/12
Abstract PDF
Investigation of the Resistance and Inductance of Planar Wire Array Z Pinch at the Qiangguang Accelerator
WANG Liangping (王亮平), WU Jian (吴坚), GUO Ning (郭宁), HAN Juanjuan (韩娟娟), LI Mo (李沫), LI Yan, (李岩), QIU Aici (邱爱慈)
2012, 14(9): 842-846. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/14/9/13
Abstract PDF
The First Benchmarking of ITER BR Nb3Sn Strand of CNDA
Long Feng(龙风), Liu Fang(刘方), Wu Yu(武玉), Ni Zhipeng(倪志鹏)
2012, 14(9): 847-849. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/14/9/14
Abstract PDF
Preload Analysis of Screw Bolt Joints on the First Wall Graphite Tiles in EAST
CAO Lei (曹磊), SONG Yuntao (宋云涛)
2012, 14(9): 850-854. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/14/9/15
Abstract PDF
Electromagnetic Modeling of the Passive Stabilization Loop at EAST
JI Xiang (戢翔), SONG Yuntao (宋云涛), WU Songtao(武松涛), WANG Zhibin(王志滨), SHEN Guang (沈光), LIU Xufeng (刘旭峰), CAO Lei (曹磊), ZHOU zibo (周自波), PENG Xuebing(彭学兵), WANG Chenghao(王成昊)
2012, 14(9): 855-858. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/14/9/16
Abstract PDF