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WANG Chunlin (王春林), WU Yi (吴翊), CHEN Zhexin (陈喆歆), YANG Fei (杨飞), FENG Ying (冯英), RONG Mingzhe (荣命哲), ZHANG Hantian (张含天). Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Real Air Plasma in Wide Range of Temperature and Pressure[J]. Plasma Science and Technology, 2016, 18(7): 732-739. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/18/7/06
Citation: WANG Chunlin (王春林), WU Yi (吴翊), CHEN Zhexin (陈喆歆), YANG Fei (杨飞), FENG Ying (冯英), RONG Mingzhe (荣命哲), ZHANG Hantian (张含天). Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Real Air Plasma in Wide Range of Temperature and Pressure[J]. Plasma Science and Technology, 2016, 18(7): 732-739. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/18/7/06

Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Real Air Plasma in Wide Range of Temperature and Pressure

Funds: supported by the National Key Basic Research Program of China (973 Program)(No. 2015CB251002), National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 51521065, 51577145), the Science and Technology Project Funds of the Grid State Corporation (SGTYHT/13-JS-177), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, and State Grid Corporation Project (GY71-14-004)
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  • Received Date: June 23, 2015
  • Air plasma has been widely applied in industrial manufacture. In this paper, both dry and humid air plasmas’ thermodynamic and transport properties are calculated in temperature 300-100000 K and pressure 0.1-100 atm. To build a more precise model of real air plasma, over 70 species are considered for composition. Two different methods, the Gibbs free energy minimization method and the mass action law method, are used to determinate the composition of the air plasma in a different temperature range. For the transport coefficients, the simplified Chapman-Enskog method developed by Devoto has been applied using the most recent collision integrals. It is found that the presence of CO2 has almost no effect on the properties of air plasma. The influence of H2O can be ignored except in low pressure air plasma, in which the saturated vapor pressure is relatively high. The results will serve as credible inputs for computational simulation of air plasma.
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