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Jiafeng JIANG (蒋佳峰), Jiangang LI (李建刚), Yuanhua DONG (董元华). Effect of cold plasma treatment on seedling growth and nutrient absorption of tomato[J]. Plasma Science and Technology, 2018, 20(4): 44007-044007. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aaa0bf
Citation: Jiafeng JIANG (蒋佳峰), Jiangang LI (李建刚), Yuanhua DONG (董元华). Effect of cold plasma treatment on seedling growth and nutrient absorption of tomato[J]. Plasma Science and Technology, 2018, 20(4): 44007-044007. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aaa0bf

Effect of cold plasma treatment on seedling growth and nutrient absorption of tomato

Funds: This research was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (BK20160597) and the State Key Lab of Soil and Sustainable Agriculture (Y20160029).
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  • Received Date: October 09, 2017
  • The effects of cold plasma (CP) treatment on seed germination, seedling growth, root morphology, and nutrient uptake of a tomato were investigated. The results showed that 80 W of CP treatment significantly increased tomato nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) absorption by 12.7% and 19.1%, respectively. CP treatment significantly improved the germination potential of tomato seed by 11.1% and the germination rate by 13.8%. Seedling growth characteristics, including total dry weight, root dry weight, root shoot rate, and leaf area, significantly increased after 80 W of CP treatment. Root activity was increased by 15.7% with 80 W of CP treatment, and 12.6% with 100 W of CP treatment. CP treatment (80 W) markedly ameliorated tomato root morphology, and root length, surface area, and volume, which increased 21.3%, 23.6%, and 29.0%, respectively. Our results suggested that CP treatment improved tomato N and P absorption by promoting the accumulation of shoot and root biomass, increasing the leaf area and root activity, and improving the length, surface area, and volume of root growth. Thus, CP treatment could be used in an ameliorative way to improve tomato nutrient absorption.
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