Citation: | Zhen ZHENG (郑振), Nong XIANG (项农), Jiale CHEN (陈佳乐), Siye DING (丁斯晔), Hongfei DU (杜红飞), Guoqiang LI (李国强), Yifeng WANG (王一丰), Haiqing LIU (刘海庆), Yingying LI (李颖颖), Bo LYU (吕波), Qing ZANG (臧庆). Kinetic equilibrium reconstruction for the NBI-and ICRH-heated H-mode plasma on EAST tokamak[J]. Plasma Science and Technology, 2018, 20(6): 65103-065103. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aab262 |
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[6] | QU Hao (屈浩), ZHANG Tao (张涛), ZHANG Shoubiao (张寿彪), WEN Fei (文斐), WANG Yumin (王嵎民), KONG Defeng (孔德峰), HAN Xiang (韩翔), YANG Yao (杨曜), GAO Yu (高宇), HUANG Canbin (黄灿斌), CAI Jianqing (蔡剑青), GAO Xiang (高翔), the EAST team. Q-Band X-Mode Reflectometry and Density Profile Reconstruction[J]. Plasma Science and Technology, 2015, 17(12): 985-990. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/17/12/01 |
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