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M GRYAZNEVICH, J STÖCKEL, G VAN OOST, E DEL BOSCO, V SVOBODA, A MELNIKOV, R KAMENDJE, A MALAQUIAS, G MANK, R MIKLASZEWSKI, the IAEA CRP, JEs Teams. Contribution of joint experiments on small tokamaks in the framework of IAEA coordinated research projects to mainstream fusion research[J]. Plasma Science and Technology, 2020, 22(5): 55102-055102. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/ab6d4d
Citation: M GRYAZNEVICH, J STÖCKEL, G VAN OOST, E DEL BOSCO, V SVOBODA, A MELNIKOV, R KAMENDJE, A MALAQUIAS, G MANK, R MIKLASZEWSKI, the IAEA CRP, JEs Teams. Contribution of joint experiments on small tokamaks in the framework of IAEA coordinated research projects to mainstream fusion research[J]. Plasma Science and Technology, 2020, 22(5): 55102-055102. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/ab6d4d

Contribution of joint experiments on small tokamaks in the framework of IAEA coordinated research projects to mainstream fusion research

Funds: This work was supported by funding by the IAEA technical contracts within IAEA Coordinated Research Projects on ‘Joint Research Using Small Tokamaks’ and on ‘Utilisation of a Network of Small Magnetic Confinement Fusion Devices for Mainstream Fusion Research’. The research and data analysis done by one of co-authors (AVM) in section 3 was funded by Russian Science Foundation, Project 19-12-00312 and partly supported by the Competitiveness Program of NRNU MEPhI. GVO acknowledges the partial financial support from MEPhI and NRU MPEI in the framework of the Russian Academic Excellence Project. Manufacturing and installation of HTS coils on GOLEM was supported by Tokamak Energy Ltd and Oxford Instruments (UK).
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  • Received Date: June 26, 2019
  • Revised Date: January 18, 2020
  • Accepted Date: January 18, 2020
  • Joint experiments (JEs) on small tokamaks have been regularly performed between 2005 and 2015 under the framework of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) coordinated research projects (CRPs). This paper describes the background and the rationale for these experiments, how they were organized and executed, main areas of research covered during these experiments, main results, contributions to mainstream fusion research, and discusses lessons learned and outcomes from these activities. We underline several of the most important scientific outputs and also specific outputs in the education of young scientists and scientists from developing countries and their importance.
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