Modelling of Edge Plasma on JT-60U Tokamak by Using SOLPS5.0 code
Graphical Abstract
The edge plasma transport code SOLPS5.0 is used for modelling edge plasmas in the experimental shots on JT-60U tokamak and the proles of the radial particle and heat transport coecients D, e and i along the outer midplane have been obtained by tting the code results to the experimental measurement in L-mode shot 39090 and H-mode shots 37851, 37856. The experimental measurement used for tting includes the proles of electron temperature and density along the outer midplane, the pumping speed, the total particle ux from the core boundary to the computational region and the ux density of neutrals near the outer wall. The modelling and tting results show within the pedestal region in H-mode shots 37851 and 37856 the radial particle transport coecient D has larger drop, but, for L-mode shot 39090, the obvious drop of D and e has not been found.