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Special issue on instabilities and nonlinear phenomena in plasmas—in memory of professor Changxuan Yu
Jiaqi DONG (董家齐), Xiaogang WANG (王晓钢), Liu CHEN (陈骝)
2018, 20(9): 90101-090101. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aad0ed
Abstract PDF
Spontaneous current relaxation in NBI heated plasmas on EAST
Weixing DING (丁卫星), Haiqing LIU (刘海庆), Jinping QIAN (钱金平), Shoubiao ZHANG (张寿彪), D L BROWER, Zhiyong ZOU (邹志勇), Weiming LI (李维明), Yao YANG (杨曜), Long ZENG (曾龙), Jinlin XIE (谢锦林), Ping ZHU (朱平), Changxuan YU (俞昌旋), Ting LAN (兰婷), Shouxin WANG (王守信), Hui LIAN (连辉), Yinxian JIE (揭银先), Liqun HU (胡立群), Baonian WAN (万宝年)
2018, 20(9): 94001-094001. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aabe24
Abstract PDF
On theoretical research for nonlinear tearing mode
Ding LI (李定), Wen YANG (杨文), Huishan CAI (蔡辉山)
2018, 20(9): 94002-094002. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aabde4
Abstract PDF
A new model of the L–H transition and H-mode power threshold
Xingquan WU (伍兴权), Guosheng XU (徐国盛), Baonian WAN (万宝年), Jens Juul RASMUSSEN, Volker NAULIN, Anders Henry NIELSEN, Liang CHEN (陈良), Ran CHEN (陈冉), Ning YAN (颜宁), Linming SHAO (邵林明)
2018, 20(9): 94003-094003. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aabb9e
Abstract PDF
Kinetic theory of geodesic acoustic modes in toroidal plasmas: a brief review
Zhiyong QIU, Liu CHEN, Fulvio ZONCA
2018, 20(9): 94004-094004. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aab4f0
Abstract PDF
Kinetic micro-instabilities in the presence of impurities in toroidal magnetized plasmas
Jiaqi DONG (董家齐)
2018, 20(9): 94005-094005. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aad4f4
Abstract PDF
A brief review: experimental investigation of zonal flows and geodesic acoustic modes in fusion plasmas
K J ZHAO (赵开君), J Q DONG (董家齐), J Q LI (李继全), LW YAN (严龙文)
2018, 20(9): 94006-094006. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aad382
Abstract PDF
Progress of microwave diagnostics development on the HL-2A tokamak
Zhongbing SHI (石中兵), Wulyu ZHONG (钟武律), Min JIANG (蒋敏)
2018, 20(9): 94007-094007. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aad27b
Abstract PDF
Review of the experiments for energetic particle physics on HL-2A
X T DING (丁玄同), W CHEN (陈伟)
2018, 20(9): 94008-094008. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aad27a
Abstract PDF
Electrical model parameters identification of radiofrequency discharge in argon through 1D3V/PIC-MC model
2018, 20(9): 95401-095401. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aac3cf
Abstract PDF
Effects of nitrogen on ozone synthesis in packed-bed dielectric barrier discharge
Yuchuan QIN (秦豫川), Shulou QIAN (钱树楼), Cheng WANG (王城), Weidong XIA (夏维东)
2018, 20(9): 95501-095501. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aac203
Abstract PDF
Effects of low-vacuum helium cold plasma treatment on seed germination, plant growth and yield of oilseed rape
Ling LI (李玲), Jiangang LI (李建刚), Hanliang SHAO (邵汉良), Yuanhua DONG (董元华)
2018, 20(9): 95502-095502. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aac3d0
Abstract PDF
Online calibration of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for detection of heavy metals in water
Yao JIA (贾尧), Nanjing ZHAO (赵南京), Li FANG (方丽), Mingjun MA (马明俊), Deshuo MENG (孟德硕), Gaofang YIN (殷高方), Jianguo LIU (刘建国), Wenqing LIU (刘文清)
2018, 20(9): 95503-095503. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aac42f
Abstract PDF
Experimental and numerical studies on the receiving gain enhancement modulated by a sub-wavelength plasma layer
Fanrong KONG (孔繁荣), Qiuyue NIE (聂秋月), Guangye XU (徐广野), Xiaoning ZHANG (张晓宁), Shu LIN (林澍), Binhao JIANG (江滨浩)
2018, 20(9): 95504-095504. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aac430
Abstract PDF
Arc characteristics during the instability stage on transverse magnetic field contacts
Xianhai PANG (庞先海), Zixi LIU (刘紫熹), Shixin XIU (修士新), Dingyu FENG (冯顶瑜)
2018, 20(9): 95505-095505. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aac50a
Abstract PDF