Citation: | LI Guozhan(李国占), CHEN Fu(陈浮), LI Linxi(李林熙), SONG Yanping(宋彦萍). Large Eddy Simulation of the E?ects of Plasma Actuation Strength on Film Cooling Efficiency[J]. Plasma Science and Technology, 2016, 18(11): 1101-1109. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/18/11/08 |
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[1] | Bowen RUAN (阮博文), Zhoujun YANG (杨州军), Xiaoming PAN (潘晓明), Hao ZHOU (周豪), Fengqi CHANG (常风岐), Jing ZHOU (周静). Estimation of magnetic island width by the fluctuations of electron cyclotron emission radiometer on J-TEXT[J]. Plasma Science and Technology, 2019, 21(1): 15102-015102. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aae382 |
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