Citation: | Wei YOU (尤玮), Hong LI (李弘), Wenzhe MAO (毛文哲), Wei BAI (白伟), Cui TU (涂翠), Bing LUO (罗兵), Zichao LI (李子超), Yolbarsop ADIL (阿迪里江), Jintong HU (胡金童), Bingjia XIAO (肖炳甲), Qingxi YANG (杨庆喜), Jinlin XIE (谢锦林), Tao LAN (兰涛), Adi LIU (刘阿娣), Weixing DING (丁卫星), Chijin XIAO (肖持进), Wandong LIU (刘万东). Design of the poloidal field system for KTX[J]. Plasma Science and Technology, 2018, 20(11): 115601. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aac8d5 |
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