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DUAN Ping(段萍), ZHOU Xinwei(周新维), LIU Yuan(刘媛), CAO Anning(曹安宁), QIN Haijuan(覃海娟), CHEN Long(陈龙), YIN Yan(殷燕). Effects of Magnetic Field and Ion Velocity on SPT Plasma Sheath Characteristics[J]. Plasma Science and Technology, 2014, 16(2): 161-167. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/16/2/13
Citation: DUAN Ping(段萍), ZHOU Xinwei(周新维), LIU Yuan(刘媛), CAO Anning(曹安宁), QIN Haijuan(覃海娟), CHEN Long(陈龙), YIN Yan(殷燕). Effects of Magnetic Field and Ion Velocity on SPT Plasma Sheath Characteristics[J]. Plasma Science and Technology, 2014, 16(2): 161-167. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/16/2/13

Effects of Magnetic Field and Ion Velocity on SPT Plasma Sheath Characteristics

Funds: supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos.11275034, 11175052, 11005025, 10975026, 11375039), Key Project of Science and Technology of Liaoning Province, China (No.2011224007)
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  • Received Date: July 22, 2013
  • The distribution of magnetic field in Hall thruster channel has significant effect on its discharge process and wall plasma sheath characteristics. By creating physical models for the wall sheath region and adopting two-dimensional particle in cell simulation method, this work aims to investigate the effects of magnitude and direction of magnetic field and ion velocity on the plasma sheath characteristics. The simulation results show that magnetic field magnitudes have small impact on the sheath potential and the secondary electron emission coefficient, magnetic azimuth between the magnetic field direction and the channel radial direction is proportional to the absolute value of the sheath potential, but inversely proportional to the secondary electron emission coefficient. With the increase of the ion incident velocity, secondary electron emission coefficient is enhanced, however, electron density number, sheath potential and radial electric field are decreased. When the boundary condition is determined, with an increase of the simulation area radial scale, the sheath potential oscillation is aggravated, and the stability of the sheath is reduced.
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