1 Southwest University for Nationalities, Chengdu 610041, China 2 HOPE Innovations Inc., Ontario L4W0A5, Canada 3 Southwestern Institute of Physics, Chengdu 610041, China
Funds: supported by the Fund for the Construction of Graduate Degree of China (No. 2014XWD-S0805)
Quantum effects play an enhancement role in p-p chain reactions occurring within stars. Such an enhancement is quantified by a wave penetration factor that is proportional to the density of the participating fuel particles. This leads to an innovative theory for dense plasma, and its result shows good agreement with independent data derived from the solar energy output. An analysis of the first Z-pinch machine in mankind’s history exhibiting neutron emission leads to a derived deuterium plasma beam density greater than that of water, with plasma velocities exceeding 10000 km/s. Fusion power could be achieved by the intersection of four such pinched plasma beams with powerful head-on collisions in their common focal region due to the beam and target enhanced reaction.