Citation: | Chenyao JIN, Chi-shung YIP, Wei ZHANG, Di JIANG, Guosheng XU. Fast-sweeping Langmuir probes: what happens to the I–V trace when sweeping frequency is higher than the ion plasma frequency?[J]. Plasma Science and Technology, 2022, 24(2): 025404. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/ac41c0 |
Limited particle transit time is one of several limiting factors which determine the maximum temporal resolution of a Langmuir probe. In this work, we have revisited the known fast sweep Langmuir probe techniques in a uniform, quiescent multi-dipole confined hot cathode discharge with two operation scenarios: one in which the probe sweeping frequency fsweep is much lower than the ion plasma frequency fpi, another one where fsweep is much greater than fpi, respectively. This allows investigation into the effect of limited ion-motion on I–V traces. Serious distortions of I–V traces at high frequencies, previously claimed to be an ion-motion limitation effect, were not found unless shunt resistance is sufficiently high, despite a fsweep/fpi ratio of ~3. On the other hand, evidences of sheath capacitance on the I–V traces have been observed. Distortions of I–V traces qualitatively agree with predictions of sheath capacitance response to the sweeping voltage. Additionally, techniques in fast sweep Langmuir probe are briefly discussed. The comparison between the high-speed dual Langmuir probe (HDLP) and the single probe setup shows that the capacitive response can be removed via subtracting a leakage current for the single probe setup almost as effectively as using the HDLP setup, but the HDLP setup does remain advantageous in its facilitation of better recovery of weak current signal commonly in low density plasma.
The authors would like to express their thankful acknowledgment in memory of the late Dr Noah Hershkowitz, Irving Langmuir Professor Emeritus of the University of Wisconsin—Madison, and a longtime collaborator of the authors who have given invaluable advice and discussions to our studies associated with sheath/presheath and diagnostics associated physics. The authors would also like to thank Dr Yevgeny Raitses of the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) and Dr Paul Dourbal at Members Exchange (MEMX) for their helpful discussions on high-speed circuitry. The authors would also like to give thanks to Prof Yongqing Wei of Hefei University of Technology for his insightful discussions on circuitry effects. This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11875285), the CAS Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences (No. QYZDB-SSW-SLH001), and the Chinese Academy of Science Hundred Youth Talent Program.
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