Citation: | Liangsheng HUANG, Liqun HU, Luying NIU, Mengjie ZHOU, Bing HONG, Kai LI, Ruixue ZHANG, Guoqiang ZHONG. Application of local Monte Carlo method in neutronics calculation of EAST radial neutron camera[J]. Plasma Science and Technology, 2022, 24(2): 025601. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/ac42bb |
The Local Monte Carlo (LMC) method is used to solve the problems of deep penetration and long time in the neutronics calculation of the radial neutron camera (RNC) diagnostic system on the experimental advanced superconducting tokamak (EAST), and the radiation distribution of the RNC and the neutron flux at the detector positions of each channel are obtained. Compared with the results calculated by the global variance reduction method, it is shown that the LMC calculation is reliable within the reasonable error range. The calculation process of LMC is analyzed in detail, and the transport process of radiation particles is simulated in two steps. In the first step, an integrated neutronics model considering the complex window environment and a neutron source model based on EAST plasma shape are used to support the calculation. The particle information on the equivalent surface is analyzed to evaluate the rationality of settings of equivalent surface source and boundary. Based on the characteristic that only a local geometric model is needed in the second step, it is shown that the LMC is an advantageous calculation method for the nuclear shielding design of tokamak diagnostic systems.
The authors would like to thank members of EAST experimental team for their support and help in this research. This work was supported by Users with Excellence Program of Hefei Science Center CAS (No. 2020HSC-UE012), Comprehensive Research Facility for Fusion Technology Program of China (No. 2018-000052-73-01-001228), and National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11605241).
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