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JI Liangliang (吉亮亮), SHEN Baifei (沈百飞), ZHANG Xiaomei (张晓梅), WANG Wenpeng (王文鹏), YU Yahong (郁亚红), WANG Xiaofeng (王晓峰), YI Longqing (易龙卿), SHI Yin (时银), et al. Plasma Approach for Generating Ultra-Intense Single Attosecond Pulse[J]. Plasma Science and Technology, 2012, 14(10): 859-863. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/14/10/01
Citation: JI Liangliang (吉亮亮), SHEN Baifei (沈百飞), ZHANG Xiaomei (张晓梅), WANG Wenpeng (王文鹏), YU Yahong (郁亚红), WANG Xiaofeng (王晓峰), YI Longqing (易龙卿), SHI Yin (时银), et al. Plasma Approach for Generating Ultra-Intense Single Attosecond Pulse[J]. Plasma Science and Technology, 2012, 14(10): 859-863. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/14/10/01

Plasma Approach for Generating Ultra-Intense Single Attosecond Pulse

Funds:  supported by 973 Program (No. 2011CB808104), National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 11125526,10834008, 61008010 and 60921004), Shanghai Natural Science Foundation (No. 10ZR1433800).
More Information
  • Received Date: February 21, 2012
  • In our previous work, a plasma approach for single attosecond pulse (AP) generation was proposed
    [17]. A few-cycle relativistic circularly polarized laser pulse will induce a single drastic oscillation of plasma boundary, from which high-order harmonics and furthermore an ultra-intense single AP can be generated naturally after it is reflected. Analytical model and simulations both demonstrate that the process is mostly efficient as the pulse duration is close to the plasma responding time. The effects of plasma density ramp are analyzed here, suggesting that the proposal is still quite efficient with appropriate density gradient in the ramp. At last, a combined approach is employed to obtain single AP with 30 fs incident laser. The relatively large-duration pulse is firstly shortened by a density dropping thin foil, and then reflected from an overdense plasma target. One-dimensional simulation shows that a 600 as single light pulse is generated with peak intensity of 3×1020W/cm2.
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