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Junying WU (伍俊英), Long WANG (汪龙), Yase LI (李雅瑟), Lijun YANG (杨利军), Manzoor SULTAN, Lang CHEN (陈朗). Characteristics of a plasma flow field produced by a metal array bridge foil explosion[J]. Plasma Science and Technology, 2018, 20(7): 75501-075501. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aab783
Citation: Junying WU (伍俊英), Long WANG (汪龙), Yase LI (李雅瑟), Lijun YANG (杨利军), Manzoor SULTAN, Lang CHEN (陈朗). Characteristics of a plasma flow field produced by a metal array bridge foil explosion[J]. Plasma Science and Technology, 2018, 20(7): 75501-075501. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aab783

Characteristics of a plasma flow field produced by a metal array bridge foil explosion

Funds: This work was funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China grant No. 11572046.
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  • Received Date: January 01, 2018
  • To improve the energy utilization efficiency of metal bridge foil explosion, and increase the function range of plasmas, array bridge foil explosion experiments with different structures were performed. A Schlieren photographic measurement system with a double-pulse laser source was used to observe the flow field of a bridge foil explosion. The evolution laws of plasmas and shock waves generated by array bridge foil explosions of different structures were analyzed and compared. A multi-phase flow calculation model was established to simulate the electrical exploding process of a metal bridge foil. The plasma equation of state was determined by considering the effect of the changing number of particles and Coulomb interaction on the pressure and internal energy. The ionization degree of the plasma was calculated via the Saha–Eggert equation assuming conditions of local thermal equilibrium. The exploding process of array bridge foils was simulated, and the superposition processes of plasma beams were analyzed. The variation and distribution laws of the density, temperature, pressure, and other important parameters were obtained. The results show that the array bridge foil has a larger plasma jet diameter than the single bridge foil for an equal total area of the bridge foil. We also found that the temperature, pressure, and density of the plasma jet's center region sharply increase because of the superposition of plasma beams.
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