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SHEN Yongjun(沈拥军), LEI Lecheng(雷乐成), ZHANG Xingwang(张兴旺), DING Jiandong(丁建东). Degradation of Acid Orange 7 Dye in Two Hybrid Plasma Discharge Reactors[J]. Plasma Science and Technology, 2014, 16(11): 1020-1031. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/16/11/05
Citation: SHEN Yongjun(沈拥军), LEI Lecheng(雷乐成), ZHANG Xingwang(张兴旺), DING Jiandong(丁建东). Degradation of Acid Orange 7 Dye in Two Hybrid Plasma Discharge Reactors[J]. Plasma Science and Technology, 2014, 16(11): 1020-1031. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/16/11/05

Degradation of Acid Orange 7 Dye in Two Hybrid Plasma Discharge Reactors

Funds: supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 21246010 and 20336030) and Natural Science Foundation of Nantong University of China (No. 03041134)
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  • Received Date: September 22, 2013
  • To get an optimized pulsed electrical plasma discharge reactor and to increase the energy utilization efficiency in the removal of pollutants, two hybrid plasma discharge reactors were designed and optimized. The reactors were compared via the discharge characteristics, energy transfer efficiency, the yields of the active species and the energy utilization in dye wastewater degradation. The results showed that under the same AC input power, the characteristics of the discharge waveform of the point-to-plate reactor were better. Under the same AC input power, the two reactors both had almost the same peak voltage of 22 kV. The peak current of the point-to-plate reactor was 146 A, while that of the wire-to-cylinder reactor was only 48.8 A. The peak powers of the point-to-plate reactor and the wire-to-cylinder reactor were 1.38 MW and 1.01 MW, respectively. The energy per pulse of the point-to-plate reactor was 0.2221 J, which was about 29.4% higher than that of the wire-to-cylinder reactor (0.1716 J). To remove 50% Acid Orange 7 (AO7), the energy utilizations of the point-to-plate reactor and the wireto- cylinder reactor were 1.02×10−9 mol/L and 0.61×10−9 mol/L, respectively. In the point-toplate reactor, the concentration of hydrogen peroxide in pure water was 3.6 mmol/L after 40 min of discharge, which was higher than that of the wire-to-cylinder reactor (2.5 mmol/L). The concentration of liquid phase ozone in the point-to-plate reactor (5.7×10−2 mmol/L) was about 26.7% higher than that in the wire-to-cylinder reactor (4.5×10−2 mmol/L). The analysis results of the variance showed that the type of reactor and reaction time had significant impacts on the yields of the hydrogen peroxide and ozone. The main degradation intermediates of AO7 identified by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GCMS) were acetic acid, maleic anhydride, pbenzoquinone, phenol, benzoic acid, phthalic anhydride, coumarin and 2-naphthol. Proposed degradation pathways were elucidated in light of the analyzed degradation products.
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