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Yashika GHAI, Nimardeep KAUR, Kuldeep SINGH, N S SAINI. Dust acoustic shock waves in magnetized dusty plasma[J]. Plasma Science and Technology, 2018, 20(7): 74005-074005. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aab491
Citation: Yashika GHAI, Nimardeep KAUR, Kuldeep SINGH, N S SAINI. Dust acoustic shock waves in magnetized dusty plasma[J]. Plasma Science and Technology, 2018, 20(7): 74005-074005. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aab491

Dust acoustic shock waves in magnetized dusty plasma

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  • Received Date: December 23, 2017
  • We have presented a theoretical study of the dust acoustic (DA) shock structures in a magnetized, electron depleted dusty plasma in the presence of two temperature superthermal ions. By deriving a Korteweg–de Vries–Burgers equation and studying its shock solution, we aim to highlight the effects of magnetic field and obliqueness on various properties of the DA shock structures in the presence of kappa-distributed two temperature ion population. The present model is motivated by the observations of Geotail spacecraft in the Earth's magnetotail and it is seen that the different physical parameters such as superthermality of the cold and hot ions, the cold to hot ion temperature ratio, the magnetic field strength, obliqueness and the dust kinematic viscosity greatly influence the dynamics of the shock structures so formed. The results suggest that the variation of superthermalities of the cold and hot ions have contrasting effects on both positive and negative polarity shock structures. Moreover, it is noted that the presence of the ambient magnetic field affects the dispersive properties of the medium and tends to make the shock structures less wide and more abrupt. The findings of present investigation may be useful in understanding the dynamics of shock waves in dusty plasma environments containing two temperature ions where the electrons are significantly depleted.
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