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Configuration of propagator method for calculation of electron velocity distribution function in gas under crossed electric and magnetic fields
2019, 21(9): 94001-094001. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/ab20e0
Abstract PDF
Observation of filament-like structures in ELMy H-mode plasma with a VUV imaging system developed on the EAST tokamak
Fan ZHOU (周凡), Tingfeng MING (明廷凤), Yumin WANG (王嵎民), Feifei LONG (龙飞飞), Qing ZHUANG (庄清), Shaocheng LIU (刘少承), Guoqiang LI (李国强), Xiang GAO (高翔), the EAST team
2019, 21(9): 95101-095101. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/ab1b1b
Abstract PDF
Symmetry transformations for magnetohydrodynamics and Chew–Goldberger–Low equilibria revisited
2019, 21(9): 95102-095102. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/ab2136
Abstract PDF
Spatial localization of ECE measurement in EAST LHW-heated plasmas
Yushu ZUO (左雨澍), Yong LIU (刘永), Tianfu ZHOU (周天富), Hailin ZHAO (赵海林), Yang ZHANG (张洋), Lorenzo FIGINI, Ang TI (提昂), Bili LING (凌必利), Liqun HU (胡立群)
2019, 21(9): 95103-095103. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/ab247f
Abstract PDF
Alfvén eigenmode stability analysis and energetic particle transport prediction for CFETR hybrid scenario
Yunpeng ZOU (邹云鹏), Minyou YE (叶民友)
2019, 21(9): 95104-095104. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/ab2110
Abstract PDF
Heating frequency optimization for artificial field-aligned scattering
Libin LV (吕立斌), Zhensen WU (吴振森), Qingliang LI (李清亮), Shuji HAO (郝书吉), Jian DING (丁建), Guanglin MA (马广林), Jing CHEN (陈靓)
2019, 21(9): 95301-095301. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/ab1d46
Abstract PDF
Head-on collision between single- and multi-soliton heavy ion acoustic waves in multi-ion plasmas
2019, 21(9): 95302-095302. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/ab20dc
Abstract PDF
Analysis of an Ar plasma jet in a dielectric barrier discharge conjugated with a microsecond pulse
Duc Ba NGUYEN, Quang Hung TRINH, Won Gyu LEE, Young Sun MOK
2019, 21(9): 95401-095401. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/ab1d45
Abstract PDF
Influences of the inner diameter of the solid shielding tube on the characteristics of the radio-frequency cold atmospheric plasma jet
Muhammad Ajmal KHAN, Jing LI (李静), Heping LI (李和平)
2019, 21(9): 95402-095402. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/ab22c5
Abstract PDF
Enhanced removal of benzene in nonthermal plasma with ozonation, flow recycling, and flow recirculation
2019, 21(9): 95501-095501. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/ab2198
Abstract PDF
Plasma-facilitated modification of pumpkin vine-based biochar and its application for efficient elimination of uranyl from aqueous solution
Jinxin YI (易锦馨), Zhipeng HUO (霍志鹏), Xiaoli TAN (谭小丽), Changlun CHEN (陈长伦), Abdullah M ASIRI, Khalid A ALAMRY, Jiaxing LI (李家星)
2019, 21(9): 95502-095502. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/ab25d1
Abstract PDF
Optimized analysis of sharpening characteristics of a compact RF pulse source based on a gyro-magnetic nonlinear transmission line for ultrawideband electromagnetic pulse application
Weihao TIE (铁维昊), Cui MENG (孟萃), Chengguang ZHAO (赵程光), Xiaogang LU (鲁小刚), Jun XIE (谢军), Dan JIANG (蒋丹), Zirang YAN (闫自让)
2019, 21(9): 95503-095503. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/ab2626
Abstract PDF
Diagnosis of the surface morphology of laser-ablated materials using the weighted- DCT approach in laser speckle interferometry for application to plasma facing materials
Yuanbo LI (李元博), Hongbei WANG (王宏北), Xiaoqian CUI (崔晓倩), Shuhua LI (李树华), Dongye ZHAO (赵栋烨), Hongbin DING (丁洪斌)
2019, 21(9): 95601-095601. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/ab277c
Abstract PDF
Control strategy optimization for energy efficiency and harmonic mitigation in multi-series converters
Ronglin HUANG (黄荣林), Peng FU (傅鹏), Yinfeng ZHU (朱银锋), Liansheng HUANG (黄连生), Ge GAO (高格), Liuwei XU (许留伟)
2019, 21(9): 95602-095602.
Abstract PDF