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An Attempt to Study on the Growth and Damping Rates with Approximate Solutions by Using Mathematical Models
Constantine L. XAPLANTERIS, Loukas C. XAPLANTERIS, Dimitris P. LEOUSIS
2014, 16(10): 897-906. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/16/10/01
Abstract PDF
Estimates of EAST Operation Window with LHCD by Using a Core-SOL-Divertor Model
OU Jing(欧靖), GAN Chunyun(甘春芸), YE Lei(叶磊)
2014, 16(10): 907-91. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/16/10/02
Abstract PDF
First Results of Pellet Injection Experiments on EAST
LI Changzheng(李长征), HU Jiansheng(胡建生), CHEN Yue(陈跃), LIANG Yunfeng(梁云峰), LI Jiangang(李建刚), LI Jiahong(李加宏), WU Jinhua(吴金华), HAN Xiang(韩翔)
2014, 16(10): 913-918. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/16/10/03
Abstract PDF
The Efficiency of Ion Stochastic Heating by a Monochromatic Obliquely Propagating Low-Frequency Alfven Wave
SUN Jicheng(孙继承), GAO Xinliang(高新亮), LU Quanming(陆全明), WANG Shui(王水)
2014, 16(10): 919-923. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/16/10/04
Abstract PDF
A Simple Model for the Calculation of Plasma Impedance in Atmospheric Radio Frequency Discharges
GE Lei(葛蕾), ZHANG Yuantao(张远涛)
2014, 16(10): 924-929. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/16/10/05
Abstract PDF
Numerical Investigation of Flow Fields in Inductively Coupled Plasma Wind Tunnel
YU Minghao(喻明浩), Yusuke TAKAHASHI, Hisashi KIHARA, Ken-ichi ABE, Kazuhiko YAMADA, Takashi ABE
2014, 16(10): 930-940. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/16/10/06
Abstract PDF
Electron Transport Coefficients and Effective Ionization Coefficients in SF 6 -O 2 and SF 6 -Air Mixtures Using Boltzmann Analysis
WEI Linsheng(魏林生), XU Min(徐敏), YUAN Dingkun(袁定琨), ZHANG Yafang(章亚芳), HU Zhaoji(胡兆吉), TAN Zhihong(谭志洪)
2014, 16(10): 941-947. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/16/10/07
Abstract PDF
Second Discharge Characteristics of Aluminum Wire Electrical Explosion Under Various Argon Pressures
YAN Wenyu(燕文宇), ZHANG Qiaogen(张乔根), ZHAO Junping(赵军平), CHEN Gangliang(陈纲亮), LIU Longchen(刘隆晨)
2014, 16(10): 948-953. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/16/10/08
Abstract PDF
Effect of Radio-Frequency and Low-Frequency Bias Voltage on the Formation of Amorphous Carbon Films Deposited by Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition
2014, 16(10): 954-959. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/16/10/09
Abstract PDF
Low Temperature Nitriding of 304 Austenitic Stainless Steel Using RF-ICP Method: the Role of Ion Beam Flux Density
WANG Qing(王庆), BA Dechun(巴德纯), MING Yue(明悦), XU Lin(徐林), GUO Deyu(郭德宇)
2014, 16(10): 960-963. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/16/10/10
Abstract PDF
Mechanical Properties of Thermoplastic Polyurethanes Laminated Glass Treated by Acid Etching Combined with Cold Plasma
LI Xibao(李喜宝), LU Jinshan(卢金山), LUO Junming(罗军明), ZHANG Jianjun(张建军), OU Junfei(欧军飞), XU Haitao(徐海涛)
2014, 16(10): 964-968. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/16/10/11
Abstract PDF
Structure and Mechanical Properties of CrTiAlN/TiAlN Composite Coatings Deposited by Multi-Arc Ion Plating
YAN Shaojian(闫少健), TIAN Canxin(田灿鑫), HUANG Zhihong(黄志宏), YANG Bing(杨兵), FU Dejun(付德君)
2014, 16(10): 969-973. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/16/10/12
Abstract PDF
Design of Digital Multi-Radian Phase Detector on J-TEXT
LI Jun(李俊), YANG Zhoujun(杨州军), GAO Li(高丽), LIU Minghai(刘明海), ZHUANG Ge(庄革)
2014, 16(10): 974-977. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/16/10/13
Abstract PDF
Rapid Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis and Design Optimization of ITER Upper ELM Coils
ZHANG Shanwen(张善文), SONG Yuntao(宋云涛), WANG Zhongwei(王忠伟), LU Su(卢速), JI Xiang(戢翔), DU Shuangsong(杜双松), LIU Xufeng(刘旭峰), FENG Changle(冯昌乐), YANG Hong(杨洪), WANG Songke(王松可), LUO Zhiren(罗志仁)
2014, 16(10): 978-983. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/16/10/14
Abstract PDF
The Implementation of Computer Data Processing Software for EAST NBI
ZHANG Xiaodan(张小丹), HU Chundong(胡纯栋), SHENG Peng(盛鹏), ZHAO Yuanzhe(赵远哲), WU Deyun(吴德云), CUI Qinglong(崔庆龙)
2014, 16(10): 984-987. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/16/10/15
Abstract PDF
The Effects of Nonuniform Thermal Boundary Condition on Thermal Stress Calculation of Water-Cooled W/Cu Divertor
HAN Le(韩乐), CHANG Haiping(常海萍), ZHANG Jingyang(张镜洋), LIU Nan(刘楠), XU Tiejun(许铁军)
2014, 16(10): 988-994. DOI: 10.1088/1009-0630/16/10/16
Abstract PDF