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Investigation of flame structure in plasma-assisted turbulent premixed methane-air flame
Hualei ZHANG (张华磊), Liming HE (何立明), Jinlu YU (于锦禄), Wentao QI (祁文涛), Gaocheng CHEN (陈高成)
2018, 20(2): 24001-024001. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aa9850
Abstract PDF
Automatic emissive probe apparatus for accurate plasma and vacuum space potential measurements
Jianquan LI (李建泉), Wenqi LU (陆文琪), Jun XU (徐军), Fei GAO (高飞), Younian WANG (王友年)
2018, 20(2): 24002-024002. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aa97cd
Abstract PDF
Study on the plasma generation characteristics of an induction-triggered coaxial pulsed plasma thruster
Weisheng CUI (崔伟胜), Wenzheng LIU (刘文正), Jia TIAN (田甲), Xiuyang CHEN (陈修阳)
2018, 20(2): 24003-024003. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aa8a5e
Abstract PDF
Design of the high voltage isolation transmission module with low delay for ECRH system on J-TEXT
Haiyan MA (马海燕), Donghui XIA (夏冬辉), Zhijiang WANG (王之江), Fangtai CUI (崔芳泰), Zhenxiong YU (余振雄), Yikun JIN (金易坤), Changhai LIU (刘昌海)
2018, 20(2): 24004-024004. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aa99d3
Abstract PDF
Diagnostic of capacitively coupled radio frequency plasma from electrical discharge characteristics: comparison with optical emission spectroscopy and fluid model simulation
Xiang HE (何湘), Chong LIU (刘冲), Yachun ZHANG (张亚春), Jianping CHEN (陈建平), Yudong CHEN (陈玉东), Xiaojun ZENG (曾小军), Bingyan CHEN (陈秉岩), Jiaxin PANG (庞佳鑫), Yibing WANG (王一兵)
2018, 20(2): 24005-024005. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aa9a31
Abstract PDF
Soft switching circuit to improve efficiency of all solid-state Marx modulator for DBDs
Liqing TONG (童立青), Kefu LIU (刘克富), Yonggang WANG (王永刚)
2018, 20(2): 24006-024006. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aa9b28
Abstract PDF
The observation of small ELM post-cursor mode in EAST
Nan ZHAO (赵楠), Ning YAN (颜宁), Guosheng XU (徐国盛), Zhengxiong WANG (王正汹), Ran CHEN (陈冉), Huiqian WANG (汪惠乾), Liang WANG (王亮), Siye DING (丁斯晔), Linming SHAO (邵林明), Liang CHEN (陈良), Guanghai HU (胡广海), Wei ZHANG (张炜)
2018, 20(2): 24007-024007. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aa9bd8
Abstract PDF
Study on the influences of ionization region material arrangement on Hall thruster channel discharge characteristics
Xiang HU (胡翔), Ping DUAN (段萍), Jilei SONG (宋继磊), Wenqing LI (李文庆), Long CHEN (陈龙), Xingyu BIAN (边兴宇)
2018, 20(2): 24008-024008. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aa9b87
Abstract PDF
Regulation characteristics of oxide generation and formaldehyde removal by using volume DBD reactor
Bingyan CHEN (陈秉岩), Xiangxiang GAO (高香香), Ke CHEN (陈可), Changyu LIU (刘昌裕), Qinshu LI (李沁书), Wei SU (苏巍), Yongfeng JIANG (蒋永锋), Xiang HE (何湘), Changping ZHU (朱昌平), Juntao FEI (费峻涛)
2018, 20(2): 24009-024009. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aa9b7a
Abstract PDF
Steady and oscillatory plasma properties in the near-field plume of a hollow cathode
Zun ZHANG (张尊), Kan XIE (谢侃), Jiting OUYANG (欧阳吉庭), Ning GUO (郭宁), Yu QIN (秦宇), Qimeng XIA (夏启蒙), Song BAI (白松), Xianming WU (吴先明), Zengjie GU (谷增杰)
2018, 20(2): 24010-024010. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aa9d7d
Abstract PDF
Surface plasmon oscillations in a semi-bounded semiconductor plasma
2018, 20(2): 25001-025001. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aa9213
Abstract PDF
Soliton formation in electron-temperature-gradient-driven magnetoplasma
M Yaqub KHAN, Javed IQBAL
2018, 20(2): 25101-025101. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aa8f3b
Abstract PDF
Tomography of a simply magnetized toroidal plasma
2018, 20(2): 25102-025102. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aa9028
Abstract PDF
Two-dimensional vacuum ultraviolet images in different MHD events on the EAST tokamak
Zhijun WANG (王智君), Xiang GAO (高翔), Tingfeng MING (明廷凤), Yumin WANG (王嵎民), Fan ZHOU (周凡), Feifei LONG (龙飞飞), Qing ZHUANG (庄清), EAST Team
2018, 20(2): 25103-025103. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aa9477
Abstract PDF
Characterization of high flux magnetized helium plasma in SCU-PSI linear device
Xiaochun MA (马小春), Xiaogang CAO (曹小岗), Lei HAN (韩磊), Zhiyan ZHANG (张志艳), Jianjun WEI (韦建军), Fujun GOU (芶富均)
2018, 20(2): 25104-025104. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aa936e
Abstract PDF
Simulation of propagation of the HPM in the low-pressure argon plasma
Zhigang LI (李志刚), Zhongcai YUAN (袁忠才), Jiachun WANG (汪家春), Jiaming SHI (时家明)
2018, 20(2): 25401-025401. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aa93f8
Abstract PDF
Control of vacuum arc source cathode spots contraction motion by changing electromagnetic field
Xin SONG (宋鑫), Qing WANG (王庆), Zeng LIN (蔺增), Puhui ZHANG (张谱辉), Shuhao WANG (王书豪)
2018, 20(2): 25402-025402. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aa8a30
Abstract PDF
Study of electron-extraction characteristics of an inductively coupled radio-frequency plasma neutralizer
Jianwu HE (贺建武), Longfei MA (马隆飞), Senwen XUE (薛森文), Chu ZHANG (章楚), Li DUAN (段俐), Qi KANG (康琦)
2018, 20(2): 25403-025403. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aa89e1
Abstract PDF
Feedback model of secondary electron emission in DC gas discharge plasmas
Saravanan ARUMUGAM, Prince ALEX, Suraj Kumar SINHA
2018, 20(2): 25404-025404. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aa8e3f
Abstract PDF
Effects of treatment time and temperature on the DC corona pretreatment performance of waste activated sludge
Yu GAO (高宇), Ning ZHAO (赵宁), Yongdi DENG (邓永迪), Minghang WANG (王明行), Boxue DU (杜伯学)
2018, 20(2): 25501-025501. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aa8bfd
Abstract PDF
Visualization of particulates distribution from electrode erosion
Wei ZHONG (钟伟), AoXU (徐翱), Yunlong LIU (刘云龙), Lei CHEN (陈磊)
2018, 20(2): 25502-025502. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aa9327
Abstract PDF
Plasma characteristics in the discharge region of a 20A emission current hollow cathode
Mingming SUN (孙明明), Tianping ZHANG (张天平), Xiaodong WEN (温晓东), Weilong GUO (郭伟龙), Jiayao SONG (宋嘉尧)
2018, 20(2): 25503-025503. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aa8edb
Abstract PDF
Deposition of SiCxHyOz thin film on epoxy resin by nanosecond pulsed APPJ for improving the surface insulating performance
Qing XIE (谢庆), Haofan LIN (林浩凡), Shuai ZHANG (张帅), Ruixue WANG (王瑞雪), Fei KONG (孔飞), Tao SHAO (邵涛)
2018, 20(2): 25504-025504. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aa97d0
Abstract PDF
Mechanism of high growth rate for diamond-like carbon films synthesized by helicon wave plasma chemical vapor deposition
Peiyu JI (季佩宇), Jun YU (於俊), Tianyuan HUANG (黄天源), Chenggang JIN (金成刚), Yan YANG (杨燕), Lanjian ZHUGE (诸葛兰剑), Xuemei WU (吴雪梅)
2018, 20(2): 25505-025505. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aa94bd
Abstract PDF
Acceleration optimization of real-time equilibrium reconstruction for HL-2A tokamak discharge control
Rui MA (马瑞), Fan XIA (夏凡), Fei LING (凌飞), Jiaxian LI (李佳鲜)
2018, 20(2): 25601-025601. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aa9432
Abstract PDF
Recent developments in the structural design and optimization of ITER neutral beam manifold
Chengzhi CAO (曹诚志), Yudong PAN (潘宇东), Zhiwei XIA (夏志伟), Bo LI (李波), Tao JIANG (江涛), Wei LI (李伟)
2018, 20(2): 25602-025602. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aa9562
Abstract PDF
Thermal analysis and optimization of the EAST ICRH antenna
Qingxi YANG (杨庆喜), Wei SONG (宋伟), Qunshan DU (杜群山), Yuntao SONG (宋云涛), Chengming QIN (秦成明), Xinjun ZHANG (张新军), Yanping ZHAO (赵燕平)
2018, 20(2): 25603-025603. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aa9609
Abstract PDF