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Design and development of a synchronized operation control system for Thomson scattering diagnostic on J-TEXT
Jingjun ZHOU (周靖钧), Li GAO (高丽), Yinan ZHOU (周乙楠), Jiefeng HUANG (黄杰锋), Ge ZHUANG (庄革)
2018, 20(8): 84001-084001. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aabd73
Abstract PDF
The effect of the direct current electric field on the dynamics of the ultracold plasma
Syed ZAHEERUDDIN, Yufan LI (李煜璠), Dongmei ZHAO (赵冬梅), Xinwen MA (马新文), Jie YANG (杨杰)
2018, 20(8): 85001-085001. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aac166
Abstract PDF
Numerical studies on pair production in ultra-intense laser interaction with a thin solid-foil
Yunxian TIAN (田云先), Xiaolin JIN (金晓林), Xiaoliang GU (谷晓梁), Weizhong YAN (颜卫忠), Jianqing LI (李建清), Bin LI (李斌)
2018, 20(8): 85002-085002. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aac42e
Abstract PDF
Geodesic acoustic modes in tokamak plasmas with anisotropic distribution and a radial equilibrium electric field
Yue MING (明玥), Deng ZHOU (周登), Wenjia WANG (王文家)
2018, 20(8): 85101-085101. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aabc5c
Abstract PDF
Numerical study on an atmospheric pressure helium discharge propagating in a dielectric tube: influence of tube diameter
Zhoutao SUN (孙洲涛), Wen YAN (晏雯), Longfei JI (季龙飞), Zhenhua BI (毕振华), Ying SONG (宋颖), Dongping LIU (刘东平)
2018, 20(8): 85401-085401. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aab3d2
Abstract PDF
Bended probe diagnostics of the plasma characteristics within an ECR ion source with a rectangular waveguide
Juan YANG (杨涓), Yuliang FU (付瑜亮), Xianchuang LIU (刘宪闯), Haibo MENG (孟海波), Yizhou JIN (金逸舟)
2018, 20(8): 85402-085402. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aabb9f
Abstract PDF
Generation characteristics of a metal ion plasma jet in vacuum discharge
Jia TIAN (田甲), Wenzheng LIU (刘文正), Weisheng CUI (崔伟胜), Yongjie GAO (高永杰)
2018, 20(8): 85403-085403. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aabedf
Abstract PDF
Characteristic analysis of CO2 switching arcs under a DC current
Xiaoling ZHAO (赵小令), J D YAN, Dengming XIAO (肖登明)
2018, 20(8): 85404-085404. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aabf34
Abstract PDF
Frequency dependence of electron temperature in hollow cathode-type discharge as measured by several different floating probe methods
Shuichi SATO, Hiromu KAWANA, Tatsushi FUJIMINE, Mikio OHUCHI
2018, 20(8): 85405-085405. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aabfcd
Abstract PDF
Numerical simulation of laser ablation of molybdenum target for laser-induced breakdown spectroscopic application
Cailong FU (付彩龙), Qi WANG (王奇), Hongbin DING (丁洪斌)
2018, 20(8): 85501-085501. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aab661
Abstract PDF
Investigation of cathode spot characteristics in vacuum under transverse magnetic field (TMF) contacts
Xianhai PANG (庞先海), Ting WANG (王婷), Shixin XIU (修士新), Junfei YANG (杨俊飞), Hao JING (景皓)
2018, 20(8): 85502-085502. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aab782
Abstract PDF
Effect of distances between lens and sample surface on laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy with spatial confinement
Zhenhua JIANG (姜振华), Junfeng SHAO (邵俊峰), Tingfeng WANG (王挺峰), Jin GUO (郭劲), Dan ZHANG (张丹), Anmin CHEN (陈安民), Mingxing JIN (金明星)
2018, 20(8): 85503-085503. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aabc5e
Abstract PDF
Fast inactivation of microbes and degradation of organic compounds dissolved in water by thermal plasma
Ahmed Rida GALALY, Guido VAN OOST
2018, 20(8): 85504-085504. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aac1b7
Abstract PDF
The impact of dielectrics on the electrical capacity, concentration, efficiency ozone generation for the plasma reactor with mesh electrodes
Ernest GNAPOWSKI, Sebastian GNAPOWSKI, Jaros|aw PYTKA
2018, 20(8): 85505-085505. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aac1b6
Abstract PDF
Power supply for generating frequency-variable resonant magnetic perturbations on the J-TEXT tokamak
Guo XU (徐国), Bo RAO (饶波), Yonghua DING (丁永华), Mao LI (李茂), Da LI (李达), Ruo JIA (贾若), Minxiong YAN (严民雄), Xinke JI (吉新科), Nengchao WANG (王能超), Zhuo HUANG (黄卓), Daojing GUO (郭道靖), Lai PENG (彭莱)
2018, 20(8): 85601-085601. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aabd2f
Abstract PDF
The development of data acquisition and control system for extraction power supply of prototype RF ion source
Meichu HUANG (黄梅初), Chundong HU (胡纯栋), Yuanzhe ZHAO (赵远哲), Caichao JIANG (蒋才超), Yahong XIE (谢亚红), Shiyong CHEN (陈世勇), Qinglong CUI (崔庆龙)
2018, 20(8): 85602-085602. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aabde5
Abstract PDF
Development of a helicon-wave excited plasma facility with high magnetic field for plasma–wall interactions studies
Guilu ZHANG (张桂炉), Tianyuan HUANG (黄天源), Chenggang JIN (金成刚), Xuemei WU (吴雪梅), Lanjian ZHUGE (诸葛兰剑), Hantao JI (吉瀚涛)
2018, 20(8): 85603-085603. DOI: 10.1088/2058-6272/aac014
Abstract PDF